
Video #1: The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art
1. This video was all about what is called "lowbrow art." It is a type of reactionary against high art. The art is all different types of styles that don't fit into "high art" A lot of low brow art can be found on the covers of albums. For example one of the artists in the video made art for the band Metallica.
2. No, I don't believe it does. From what I've seen in the video, lowbrow art doesn't represent the theme I'm portraying in my exhibition. My theme is loneliness in art and lowbrow art is more vibrant colorful and cluttered. Which doesn't seem to convey loneliness.
3. The video was strange and not the type of art that I personally enjoy. But it was interesting to learn about this art movement that I've never heard of. I don't think it really deepened my understanding of the exhibition process.

Video #2: BBC Culture Show: Tate Modern is 10!
1. This video was about an exhibition at the Tate Modern. It shows the reasons that certain artworks to be displayed together in the theme of the exhibition. The exhibition is Claude Monet's impressionist work in contrast with abstract work by artists such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko.
2. In a way because it showed how different types of art like abstract and art that is more structured like Claude Monet's Waterlilies can be paired together in a themed exhibition.
3. This video definitely gave me a deeper understanding in regards to the creation of my exhibition. One of the quotes in the video is the themed exhibitions and how they are displayed are able to show people how you can make your own connections in the art.

Video #3: An Acquiring Mind
1. This video was about the art director and the process of the Met museum's exhibitions. All of the work for an exhibition has to go through the director of the museum before it is created and displayed. The director also works to acquire new pieces from auctions. Another interesting aspect of the video is how the art goes through the conservation process.
2. Yeah, it shows how to have an open objective mind when acquiring art.
3. I liked this film because I've never really seen the process of how art is acquired, displayed, and preserved by a museum. It was definitely very interesting to learn.
