Arts of Africa and Asia

Video 1: African Art
1. I chose the African Art video because I really wanted to learn more about the masks.
2. Something very interesting I learned from this video is that African art went relatively unnoticed by the Europeans until the nineteenth century, but when it was finally noticed it inspired modernist artists including Pablo Picasso.
3. In chapter 18 they discussed the masks embodying a spirit, the video added some more depth to that claim saying that the masks and statues of African art are said to be spirits, ancestors, or Gods. And some statues have something like a hair from the ancestor on it.
4. The video was decent but seemed to go over the same information a lot. I feel like a newer video could provide newer discoveries and facts about African art.

Video 2: The Great Wave
1. I chose this video by accident. I meant to pick the Chinese art video.
2. Similar to the African Art video I learned that Asian art made it's way into Europe in 1850 and interestingly enough, Claude Monet collected Katsushika Hokusai's art and was inspired by it.
3. The Chapter 10 reading specifically discussed The Great Wave at Kanagawa on page 451, interpreting it's peaceful yet forceful presence. The video was entirely about the painting as well as other works of Hokusai and obviously went into more depth about the geometric shapes embedded in his art, the fullness of the wave opposing against the sky creating like a yin and yang type contrast.
4. This video was dragging for me. Mostly because I originally meant to watch the Chinese art video but also because it was mostly about this one piece of art that had all these different interpretations. I would've liked to see a video about Japanese art in general.
