Peer Reviewing Reflection

I reviewed three blogs because one of the blogs above mine didn't do one of the projects so I did Blog #1: (Project #2) Blog #2: (Project 1 & 2) Blog #3: (Project #1) 2. Project #1 was difficult for me personally, because I wasn't sure if I had matched the pictures up with the elements/principles. Basically I wasn't sure if I was doing any of it right. But Balkart did a spectacular job with their photos. They had actually helped me understand more about the elements and principles because their pictures were so spot on matched with what the elements and principles displayed. It all made sense. 3. None of the blogs had similar art gallery photos to me because I went to a completely different art museum. I did notice that some had similarities in their choices, like the series "Somnyama Ngonyama (Hail the Dark Lioness)" Which I personally really liked from what I can see online. 4. Again I think the one that piqued my interest the most was the series "Somnyama Ngonyama (Hail the Dark Lioness)" because the light/dark contrast is so beautiful I wanted to know more about the background behind the pictures. 5. I didn't think I would learn anything from doing this but I definitely learned more about the elements and principles project because that is what I truly struggled with, so seeing others choices of pictures really helped me understand more. 6. Yes! I expressed my difficulty with the first project and several peers had reassured me that my pictures matched well with the elements and principles. So, it helps to know that I did it correctly.
