New Art Blog

The process of making this blog wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.  I wanted the choice to make it more unique with more templates and design options to choose from but I guess it made it an easy decision and less of a time waster. I actually didn't even know Blogger was connected to Gmail, so that's something new I learned.

This is the first art class I've taken in university. This is my final semester before I graduate and I definitely wish I would have taken more art / art history classes. I can't exactly say what I expect to learn because I haven't learned it yet, but I do hope it's something new that I never knew regarding art. Maybe something along the lines of what caused shifts in artistic styles throughout history, or the question of why humans feel the need to produce art. As an English major I've had science and math majors question why I would want to study something like literature or the English language and the same could be extended to visual art. Why do we feel the need to study, create, and generate meaning from beautiful words, stories, strokes of a paint brush, sculpted stone and performances? Is it the manifestation of imagination and expression from the individual mind necessary for humans to remain sane? Or does this only happen when someone could be considered insane?

I've taken a lot of online classes so this isn't a new experience in that regard. I moved to Los Angeles in August so even last semester I was taking all online classes, but even before when I was still living in Buffalo I tried to make at least one of my classes a semester online because it makes it more flexible with life.

The growth mindset videos were interesting because that's exactly the way I think. I want to be challenged. The reason I want to be challenged is because my goal in life is to learn as much as I possibly can about everything. And as the video said your abilities can always be improved, there's no cap off to how great you can be at something. Lastly something else that the video mentioned was that all successful people have significant amounts of failures. It reminds me about how I often say I have no regrets because each mistake helped me learn and grow.
